Genus Homarus

Homarus Weber, 1795

Homarus Weber, 1795, Nomenclator entomologicus: 94. Gender masculine. Name placed on the Official List of generic Names in Zoology, in Opinion 104 (published in 1928).

Homarus Guérin Méneville, 1825, Encyclopédie méthodique, Histoire naturelle Insectes, 10: 768. Type species by original designation and monotypy: Cancer gammarus Linnaeus, 1758. Gender masculine.

Homarus H. Milne Edwards, 1837, Histoire naturelle des Crustacés, 2: 333. Type species, selected by E. Desmarest, 1858, in Chenu , Encyclopédie Histoire naturelle (Crustacés. Mollusques Zoophytes):38: Homarus vulgaris H. Milne Edwards, 1837. Gender masculine.