Genus Puerulus

Puerulus Ortmann, 1897

Puerulus Ortmann, 1897, American Journal Science, (4)4: 290. Replacement name for the preoccupied Puer Ortmann, 1891; therefore with the same type species. Gender masculine. Name placed on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology, in Opinion 519 (published in 1958).

Puer Ortmann, 1891, Zoologische Jahrbücher Systematik, 6: 15, 37. Type species, selected by Calman, 1909, Annals Magazine Natural History, (8)3: 442.

Panulirus angulatus Bate, 1888. Gender masculine. An invalid junior homonym of Puer Lefebvre, 1842 (Insecta Neuroptera).