Subfamilia Nephropinae

Dana, 1852

Rostrum dorsoventrally depressed with lateral (and sometimes ventral), but without dorsal teeth; sometimes without any teeth. Carapace without a branchiostegal spine. Body never uniformly covered with spinules, although granules may be present all over, or spinules may be placed on the carapace. The lateral margin of the telson with at most three lateral spines, which if present, are usually small and irregular. Scaphocerite present. Carapace with a distinct postorbital spine. Sternites of second to fifth abdominal somites in the male with a sharp median spine each. podobranch usually present on the second maxilliped.

This, the typical subfamily of Nephropid lobsters, contains the following 5 genera. Eunephrops, Homarus, Metanephrops, Nephrops and Thymopides.

All species of Nephropinae are of present or potential commercial interest, and all are listed here.