Genus Nephropsis

Wood-Mason, 1873

Body granular and hairy, but not covered with evenly placed large pearly tubercles. Eye not pigmented. Lower margin of rostrum without teeth.Second and third maxillipeds with exopods. Exopod of second maxilliped with a distinct flagellum. Pleura of abdominal somites narrow, hardly if at all overlapping. Pleura of second abdominal somite ending in a long sharp point, lateral margin of telson unarmed, but for the posterolateral spine.

Type Species: by monotypy: Nephropsis stewarti Wood-Mason, 1873.

At present, 13 species of the genus Nephropsis are known, 5 from the Atlantic, 7 from the Indo-West Pacific, and one from the eastern Pacific region. None of these species are currently being fished on a commercial scale, but some are of potential interest.

The taxonomic status of several species is not clear, and therefore the following key to species must be considered as provisional; several new species can be expected.