Genus Palinurus

Weber, 1795

Two distinct, widely separated tooth-like frontal horns, between which the anterior margin of the carapace is visible. Frontal horns tapering to a sharp point. Anterior margin of carapace between frontal horns with about 10 small, sharp teeth. Antennal flagella although large and firm, quite flexible. Antennular plate between bases of antennae narrow, unarmed; stridulating organ present. First segment of antennular peduncle not over-reaching antennal peduncle. Flagella of antennules short, shorter than last segment of antennular peduncle. First pair of legs not enlarged, with no trace of a pincer, without coloured crossbands; carapace without a scale-like sculpture. Abdominal segments with a sometimes interrupted transeverse groove, but without squamiform sculpturation. Pleura of second to fifth abdominal somites with a strong anterior tooth followed by a lobe denticulated on the posterior margin.

Type Species: by monotypy: Astacus elephas Fabricius, 1787.

This is the oldest known among the Palinurid genera, and has a restricted distribution: it is found only in the EasternAtlantic, Mediterranean, and off south east Africa. Five species are known, all of present or potential commercialinterest.