Genus Puerulus

Ortmann, 1897

Two distinct, widely separated tooth-like frontal horns, between which the anterior margin of the carapace is visible. Frontal horns tapering to a sharp point. Anterior margin of carapace between frontal horns unarmed, except for the presence, in some species, of a small triangular rostrum and a small denticle near the base of the frontal horns. Antennal flagella although large and firm, quite flexible. Antennular plate between bases of antennae distinct, unarmed; stridulating organ present. First segment of antennular peduncle not over-reaching antennal peduncle. Flagella of antennules short, shorter than last segment of antennular peduncle. Carapace with a median ridge behind the cervical groove, often with spines or tubercles, but without submedian rows. First pair of legs not enlarged, with no trace of a pincer, without crossbands; carapace without a scale-like sculpture. Abdominal segments with a sometimes interrupted transeverse groove, but without squamiform sculpturation. Pleura of second to fifth abdominal somites ending in two simple, strong, sharp teeth without denticles.

Type Species: Panulirus angulatus Bate, 1888.

So far 4 species have been recognized in this genus, all deepwater forms. One of them (P. sewelli) is the subject of a minor fishery. The others are not fished for, but are of potential interest.