Genus Palinurellus

Von Martens, 1878

Lateral margin of carapace without teeth behind anterolateral tooth. Rostrum triangular, longer than wide. Antennular plate without stridulating organ. Posterior margin of abdominal pleura evenly sinuously rounded, without a deep and sudden concavity near the top.

Type Species: by monotypy: Palinurellus gundlachi Von Martens, 1878.

Two species are recognized in this genus, neither of commercial importance. If Phyllamphion is based on larvae of the present genus, which, in the light of recent investigations seems most likely, the generic name Phyllamphion is the oldest for the genus and therefore has to replace Palinurellus.
The two species are very similar. Some of the alleged differences proved to be due to abnormalities (e.g., the shape of the rostrum in the holotype of P. wieneckii, incorrect observations, or incorrect interpretation of the variability of characters. As both species are rather rare the study of larger series of specimens is necessary to clarify their taxonomic status.