Scyllarides delfosi


  • Fausto Filho, J. 1968. Crustáceos Decápodos de valor comercial ou utilizados como alimento no nordeste brasileiro. Boletim Sociedade Cearense Agronomia, 9:27, 28.
  • Holthuis, L.B. 1960. Preliminary descriptions of one new genus, twelve new species and three new subspecies of scyllarid lobster (Crustacea Decapoda Macrura). Proceedings Biological Society Washington, 73: 147-154.
  • Opresko, L., D. Opresko, R. Thomas, G. Voss and F.M. Bayer 1973. Guide to the lobsters and lobster-like animals of Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean region. Sea Grant Field Guide Series, no. 1:i-vi,1-A4, figs 1-17, pls 1-14.