Jasus verreauxi


  • Booth, J.D. 1986. Recruitment of Packhorse Rock Lobster Jasus verreauxi in New Zealand. Canadian Journal Fisheries aquatic Science, 43:2212-2220, figs 1-4.
  • Chilton, C. 1911. The Crustacea of the Kermadec Islands. Transactions Proceedings New Zealand Institute, 43:544-573,figs 1-4.
  • Dakin, W.J., I. Bennett and E. Pope 1969. Australian seashores, (ed. 2):i-xii, 1-372, text figs 1-23, pls 1-99, frontispiece.
  • Gruvel, A. 1911. Contribution à l'étude générale systématique et économique des Palinuridae. Mission Gruvel sur la côte occidentale d'Afrique (1909-1910). Résultats scientifiques et économiques. Annales Institut océanographique Monaco, 3(4): 5-56, text figs 1-22, pls 1-6.
  • Heller, C. 1862a. Beiträge zur näheren Kenntniss der Macrouren. Sitzungsberichte Akademie Wissenschaften, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Wien, 45(1):389-426, pls 1,2.
  • Hügel, A. von 1903. Charles von Hügel April 25,1795 - June 2,1870:i-xx,1-76, 8 pls.
  • Kaestner, A. 1970. Crustacea. Invertebrate zoology, 3:i-xi,1-523, figs 1.1-18.16 (Translated by H W. Levi).
  • Kensler, C.B. 1967. The distribution of spiny lobsters in New Zealand waters (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palinuridae). New Zealand Journal Marine Freshwater Research, 1(4):412-420, figs 1-4.
  • Kensler, C.B. and W. Skrzynski 1970. Commercial landings of the spiny lobster Jasus verreauxi in New Zealand (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palinuridae). New Zealand Journal Marine Freshwater Research, 4:46-54, figs 1,2.
  • Kirk, T.W. 1880. Description of a new species of Palinurus. Transactions Proceedings New Zealand Institute, 12:313, 314, pl 9.
  • Michael, K. and J.D. Booth 1985. Rock lobsters at the Auckland Islands. Catch, 12(5-9):18.
  • Milne Edwards, H. 1851. Observations sur le squelette tégumentaire des Crustacés décapodes, et sur la morphologie de ces animaux. Annales Sciences Naturelles Paris Zool., (3)16: 221-291, pls. 8-11.
  • Ogilby, J.D. 1893. Edible fishes and Crustaceans of New South Wales: i-ii, 1-212, pls 1-51.