Palinurus gilchristi


  • Barnard, K.H. 1950. Descriptive catalogue of South African decapod Crustacea. Annals South African Museum, 38:1-837, figs 1-154.
  • Berry, P.F. 1971. The spiny lobsters (Palinuridae) of the east coast of southern Africa: distribution and ecological notes. Investigational Report Oceanographic Research Institute, Durban, 27:1-23, figs 1-3.
  • Berry, P.F. and R. Plante 1973. Revision of the spiny lobster genus Palinurus, in the South-West Indian Ocean. Transactions Royal Society South Africa, 40:373-380, text fig. 1, pls 19,20.
  • Crosnier, A. and C. Jouannic 1973. Note d'information sur les prospections de la pente continentale malgache effectuées par le N.O. Vauban. Bathymétrie - Sédimentologie - Pêche au chalut. Documents scientifiques Centre Nosy-Bé ORSTOM, 42:1-18, pls 1-4,1 unnumbered plate.
  • Pollock, D.E. and C.J. Augustyn 1982. Biology of the rock lobster Palinurus gilchristi with notes on the South African Fishery. Fishery Bulletin South Africa,16:57-73, figs 1-13.
  • Stebbing, T.R.R. 1900. South African Crustacea. Marine Investigations in South Africa, 1: 14-66, pls 1-4.
  • Williams, A.B. 1986. Lobsters - Identification, world distribution, and U.S. trade. Marine Fisheries Review, 48(2):1-36, figs 1-80.