Panulirus japonicus


  • Chang, C.M. 1965. Edible Crustacea of Taiwan: i,ii, 1-60, 53 figs.
  • George, R.W. and L.B. Holthuis 1965. A revision of the Indo-West Pacific spiny lobsters of the Panulirus japonicus group. Zoölogische Verhandelingen, Leiden, 72:1-36, text fig.1, pls 1-5.
  • Longhurst, A.R. 1970. Crustacean resources. In: J.A. Gulland (ed.), The fish resources of the oceans. FAO Fisheries technical Paper, 97:252-305, 1 map.
  • Von Siebold, P.F. 1824. De Historiae Naturalis in Japonia statu, nec non de augmento emolumentisque in decursu perscrutationum exspectandis dissertatio, cui accedunt Spicilegia Faunae Japonicae, auctore G.T. de Siebold, med. doct. Complurium Societatum Membro: 1-16. Bataviae.