Scyllarides haanii

(De Haan 1841)

Carpus of first pereiopod with a distinct dorsal groove, and without a conspicuous basal swelling. First abdominal somite with 2 distinct but rather small lateral spots and a large, less dark and irregular median spot. Outline of posterior margin of pleura of second abdominal somite concave in middle through presence of strong tooth. Fourth abdominal somite in adult specimens produced into very strong median hump which is about twice as high as those on second and third somite.

Type locality: "Japonia", probably in the area of Nagasaki, Kyushu. Lectotype male in RMNH, no. D 5520.

Geographical Distribution:
Indo-West Pacific region: from the Red Sea and the western Indian Ocean (Mauritius) to Japan (Sagami Bay and south), Korea, China (southeast coast and Taiwan Island), Indonesia, Australia, and Hawaii.

Habitat and Biology:
Known from depths between 10 and 135 m. Probably on rocky bottom.

Total body length up to 50 cm. The carapace lengths reported vary between 4.5 and 17 cm

Interest to Fisheries:
The species as a rule is only incidentally caught, but it is used for food and offered for sale fresh at local markets (e.g., in Korea, Japan and Hawaii). It is usually taken with lobster pots.