Parribacus holthuisi

Forest, 1954

Distance between orbit and anterolateral angle of carapace more than 2/5 of distance between two orbits; outer margin of second segment of antenna as a rule with five teeth (apical tooth not included). The posterior of the two lateral teeth of the carapace before the cervical incision much smaller than the first. Legs relatively slender. The transverse groove which separates the two parts of the abdominal somites is narrow and filled with many short hairs. First abdominal somite with five red, sharply defined spots on the posterior margin, and a row of smaller spots which is placed more anteriorly. Anterior part of second to fifth abdominal somites smooth, without a reticulate pattern of shallow and narrow grooves.

Type locality: "Hikueru", Tuamotu Archipelago. Lectotype female in MP no. Pa 141; paralectotypes in MP and RMNH, all types preserved in alcohol, condition excellent.

Geographical Distribution:
The species is only known from the Society, Tuamotu and Gambier Islands in the southern Pacific. A larva, possibly belonging to this species, was reported from 14°13.6'S 126°00'W, in the Pacific Ocean.

Habitat and Biology:
In shallow water on the sandy bottom of coral reefs.

Carapace lengths measured vary from 2.5 to 6.5 cm; maximum total length about 14 cm.

Interest to Fisheries:
Minor. Used as food by the natives and collected at night with torches.