Superfamilia Glypheoidea

Zittel, 1885

First four pereiopods without true chelae. First pereiopods very strong, spiny and subchelate, the second somewhat similar, but smaller and with fewer spines. Rostrum well developed, reaching to the base of the cornea. Eyes distinct, movable, inserted on a median elevation of the cephalon, which reaches to about middle of rostrum, with which it is partly fused, cornea with pigment. Epistome large, 1.5 times as long as wide and about 1/3 of carapace length, its posterior margin about level with cervical groove of carapace. Telson posteriorly broadly rounded. Endo- and exopod of the uropods firm throughout; exopod with a diaeresis.

This superfamily has three families, two of which are exclusively fossil. The third, Glypheidae Zittel, 1885, next to its numerous fossil taxa, contains a single recent genus with a single species.

Zittel (1885) cited Winkler (1881: 73) as the author of the name Glyphaeidae. However, Winkler (1881) although dealing extensively with the genus Glyphea did not establish a family name based on this generic name, he at most used the expression "les glyphées". Zittel (1885) therefore must be considered the author of the family name; Zittel used the incorrect spelling Glyphaea and Glyphaeidae for the genus and family, respectively.