Genus Parribacus

Dana, 1852

Orbits anteriorly open, placed on the anterior margin of the carapace. Mandible with a simple palp. Exopods of all maxillipeds with a multiarticulate flagellum. Dorsal surface of the body coarsely squamose-tuberculate, without postrostral or branchial carinae. Distance between the orbits more than twice as long as the distance between each orbit and the anterolateral angle of the carapace. Carapace strongly depressed, without posteromedian tooth, with a deep cervical incision in the lateral margin. Cervical incision usually open, at least at base. Fifth abdominal somite without posteromedian spine. Mandibular palp two-segmented.

Type Species: selected by Ward (1942: 61): Scyllarus antarcticus Lund, 1793.

The genus contains 6 species, all of which are used as food, but all are only of local interest.