Genus Thenus

Leach, 1815

Body strongly depressed. Lateral margin of the carapace with only the cervical incision. No teeth on the lateral margin of the carapace, apart from the anterolateral and postcervical. Orbits on the anterolateral angle of the carapace. Exopod of third and first maxilliped without a flagellum; the flagellum of the second maxilliped transformed into a single laminate segment. Fifth leg of female without a chela.

Type Species: by monotypy: Thenus indicus Leach, 1815 ( = junior subjective synonym of Scyllarus orientalis Lund, 1793).

At present only a single species is recognized within the genus Thenus, but recent studies, indicate the possibility that more than one species may have been confused under the name Thenus orientalis.