Upogebia major

(De Haan, 1841)

Rostrum ending in three teeth, the lateral at the end of a ridge that is separated from the central part of the rostrum by a deep groove; a shallow median longitudinal groove is present in the central part. The lower surface of the rostrum has no spines. Anterolateral border of carapace with a single spine at the level of the eye. First pereiopods subchelate. Dactylus of adult male with 9 to 11 oblique ridges on the outer surface, and with a low tooth in the proximal half of the cutting edge. Two denticulate ridges on the upper surface of the palm. Merus of first pereiopod with a distinct subdistal anterodorsal spine; coxa of that leg with a spine.

Type locality: "Japonia", probably near Nagasaki, Kyushu, Japan. Type material in RMNH, now lost.

Geographical Distribution:
Northwest Pacific region: S.E. coast of Siberia, USSR, from Olga Bay (about 44°N) southward, Korea, N. China, Kuril Islands, Japan.

Habitat and Biology:
In tidal mud flats. The animals make Y-shaped burrows in the mud and are filter feeders.

Maximum total body length 9,5 cm.

Interest to Fisheries:
Probably used as bait for fishing. Listed by Liu (1955: 6, pl. 24 figs 1-6) among the "Economic Shrimps and Prawns of North China". Parisi (1917: 3) mentioned 3 specimens obtained at the market of Yokohama, Japan.