Panulirus inflatus

(Bouvier, 1895)

Antennular plate with 4 spines. Third maxilliped without exopod. Surface of abdominal somites smooth and naked, without transverse grooves.
Colour: abdominal somites 1 to 3 with a narrow transverse whitish line just before posterior margin; somites 4 to 6 with a transverse row of rather large whitish spots there.

Type locality of P. inflatus and P. digueti: "Basse Californie" (= Baja California, Mexico). Type specimens in MP, no. Pa 412 (27 cm long), Pa 446 (23 cm) both dry in rather good condition and labelled P. digueti.

Geographical Distribution:
Eastern Pacific region: west coast of Mexico from Baja California to Puerto Angel (Oaxaca); a record from San Diego, California, USA, needs verification.

Habitat and Biology:
Sublittoral to 30 m deep; on rocky, rarely ravelly bottom.

Maximum carapace length 15.5 cm, but usually not more than 12 cm; the corresponding total body lengths are respectively 38 and 30 cm.

Interest to Fisheries:
The species is of interest to fishery throughout its range, although mostly used for local consumption. It is caught by hand and with gill nets, and sold fresh or frozen.