Panulirus pascuensis

Reed, 1954

Antennular plate with 2 large spines. Exopod of third maxilliped present, with flagellum. Transverse groove of abdominal somites with straight margins, not crenulated. Transverse groove abdominal somite 2 does not join groove anterior margin corresponding pleura. Transverse grooves of abdominal somites 3 and 4 join groove along anterior margin of corresponding pleuron.
Colour: body dark purple with some greenish, not speckled. Irregular pale bands along posterior margin of abdominal somites, sometimes whitish spots mixed in with them. Spots present on basis of tail fan. Antennulae not banded. Legs with narrow pale longitudinal streaks.

Type locality of P. pascuensis: "Isla de Pascua" (= Easter Island, southern Pacific). Holotype male in Museo de la Dirección General de Pesca y Caza de Chile, Valparaíso, Chile.

Geographical Distribution:
Easter Island and Pitcairn Island, southern Pacific Ocean.

Habitat and Biology:
Lives in shallow water (from 0 to 5 m depth) in crevices of a rocky substrate. Impregnated and ovigerous females have been taken in December.

Reported carapace lengths of males 6 to 10 cm; females cl. 6 to 9.5 cm. This corresponds to total body lengths of about 15 to 25 cm (males), and 15 to 24 cm (females); the smallest ovigerous female has a cl. of 6 cm.

Interest to Fisheries:
Both at Easter Island and at Pitcairn the species is mainly taken by hand or speared by divers in daytime, and with torch light at night; also gill nets and lobster pots are used. The lobsters are sold fresh for local consumption.